Experience audio nirvana with the Hidizs MP145 Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver HiFi IEMs

The Hidizs MP145 Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver HiFi IEMs are the company’s newest development, and they will take you on an outstanding and unparalleled audio journey. This IEM, a true audio engineering marvel, promises a listening experience that pushes the envelope and elevates your musical enjoyment to unheard-of heights. The MP145 is a crucial gadget that promises to alter your relationship with music for both audiophiles and music lovers.

Hidizs MP145 HiFi IEMs

Hidizs MP145 HiFi IEMs

Unleashing the Power of Planar Magnetic Driver

The MP145’s greatest achievement is the 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver, which is located in the device’s core. Hidizs has spent every penny possible on a driver that pushes the limits of sonic accuracy. This innovative technology has a very huge surface area that makes it possible to move air with unmatched accuracy, producing a level of sound fidelity that will astound audiophiles. Prepare yourself for a unique, immersive auditory experience.

Inspired by Nature’s Grace:


In addition to providing excellent sound, Hidizs is committed to compelling design aesthetics. The MP145’s Whale Tail & Rorqual Pleat Design were inspired by elegant aquatic creatures. This design fulfills a functional need while also radiating elegance. It optimizes airflow, improving the acoustic performance of the IEMs and generating a wide-open, realistic soundstage that surrounds you.

Customize Your Sonic Adventure:

Hidizs is aware that every listener has different tastes. With the revolutionary Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filter, you may modify the sound signature to suit your musical preferences. The MP145 may be readily set to match your preferred audio profile, regardless of whether you need deep, booming bass or prefer a balanced response across the spectrum.

A Symphony of Precision Tuning:

The MP145 embodies the union of superior sound engineering and skilled tuning. Using the Target H-2019 Curve in conjunction with Hidizs Style Professional Tuning guarantees the remarkable precision of every instrument, vocal, and note. Get ready to rediscover your music collection as you learn about complex nuances and details you had no idea existed.

Engineering Excellence:

Hidizs takes pleasure in pushing the limits of technology to create audio products that stand out from the competition. Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit, painstakingly designed to maximize the magnetic field distribution, is a feature of the MP145. The outcome? Decreased intermodulation and distortion let you enjoy a pure, transparent sound performance.

Unseen, Yet Vital:

Hidizs’ dedication to sound quality is demonstrated by the inclusion of Hidden Bionic Breathing Holes in the MP145. These hidden holes control air pressure, resulting in smoother airflow and less resonance for an artifact-free, immersive audio experience.

Craftsmanship at its Finest:

A premium 6N Silver Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire from Hidizs is included to go along with the MP145’s amazing audio capabilities. Astonishing clarity and detail are sent from your source to the IEMs thanks to this high-quality cable’s ability to reduce signal loss.

Comfort Redefined:

Ergonomics Liquid Silicone Ear Tips, which were incorporated into the MP145’s design with comfort in mind, provide a snug and pleasant fit for prolonged listening sessions. Now, without the agony of regular ear fatigue, you can get lost in your favorite songs.

Coming Soon on Kickstarter:

Hidizs is excited to let everyone know that the MP145 will soon be available on Kickstarter. Keep an eye on their website here and be sure to subscribe for the most recent updates as the exact price and launch date have not yet been decided.


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